Sunday, November 18, 2007


just a little bit of the last 24 hours at ys...

worship w/ Tomlinspent some pretty meaningful time here
morning worship - Jeff Johnson
inspired by the "be the change" author
a little crowder worship...

(have decided that i am very unsatisfied with the camera on the new palm centro phone)

doug fields was amazing. really spoke to my heart...gotta sort through some stuff after that one.

might have a response in a few days on the subject of youth group/life/people envy...we'll see.

not ready to go back to work, ready for the sweet embrace of family.

anyone reading this back home...? please keep me accountable to bringing this experience back with me, ask me about it, what new ideas were here, what kind of ministry introspectives did i experience. to our ministry're coming with next year.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey B you wanna be held accountable ok. I want you to write a 5 page essay on how this little vaction/work trip of yours will forever change your life and relasoship with God.Also I want it by Sunday. :)

Get Busy!!!!!